Council Level Recognition Nomination Form

Our recognition ceremony recognizes those volunteers who provide exemplary service and go above and
beyond the expectations of their position to make a difference for the organization and for Girl Scouts.

This form is to be used to nominate an adult volunteer for a council level recognition award.

The nomination is for the work performed during the 2023-2024 membership year.

Nomination Steps:

  1. Decide which award is appropriate for the service. Include specific information that demonstrates the nominees’ service, its scope, and impact. It must be specific to the award being nominated. Describe the service the volunteer contributed to in detail. The supporting letters should emphasize the body of work discussed in the nomination for the committee to review.
  2. Gather the contact information of those people providing supporting endorsements. Make sure the people who will be supporting the nomination are aware that you have submitted their contact information. Have their contact information ready to be provided on the nomination form. They will receive an email asking them to fill out a supporting endorsement via the e-form once the nomination is submitted.

Please Note: All supporting endorsements must be from someone other than the person who submitted the        nomination.

  1. Submit the e-form – The nomination period is open until the first Friday in December. The people who will be providing supporting endorsements will be notified via email and they will have until the second Friday in December to submit. Please note that for each award the number of endorsements will vary.

Contact if you have any questions.

Nominee Information

Submitter Information

Award Level

Select Numeral Guard for: 30 years+ as a registered Girl Scout – girl/adult
Select Years of Service for: 25 years+ as a registered Adult volunteer
Select Numeral Guard and/or Years of Service
Select the number of girl and adult years rounded down to an increment of 5 years. (For 5 – 25 years use Service Unit form).
Select the number of active adult only years rounded down to an increment of 5 years. Note, it goes up in increments of 10 years after 40 years.
Select the type of award this nomination applies to. Only one award per nomination.
* The Appreciation Pin requires service beyond the troop level, therefore this application will be denied. Please select another award level.
* The Honor Pin requires service be provided to two or more service units, therefore this application will be denied. Please select another award level.
* The Platinum Service Award requires service be provided to their Service Unit or a region or the entire council for at least three years since receiving the Appreciation Pin and either Honor Pin or Thanks Badge, therefore this application will be denied. Please select another award level.
* The Thanks Badge requires service be provided in a leadership role at the council level in one or more areas during the previous four years, therefore this application will be denied. Please select another award level.
* The Thanks Badge II requires candidate has been awarded the Thanks Badge, therefore this application will be denied. Please select another award level.


Should this award be approved it will be presented at the Annual Meeting and Volunteer Recognition Ceremony. The recipient will be provided with a copy of the nomination and endorsements submitted.  Recipients may be given their supporting nominations and application. The recipient will receive an invitation to attend the ceremony. The submitter will be notified of the committee’s decision.

Please describe how the nominee has rendered service and benefited at least one Service Unit or program delivery audience (i.e. product program, membership etc…). Be detailed and as specific as possible listing qualifications and particular instances. Please be sure your answers support the above stated criteria to qualify for this award. You will be need to provide the name and email information of two people to support this nomination.

Please describe how the nominee has rendered service and benefited at least two or more Service Units or a Region. Be detailed and as specific as possible listing qualifications and particular instances. Please be sure your answers support the above stated criteria to qualify for this award. You will need to include the name and email of three additional people supporting the nominee’s service.

Please describe how the nominee has rendered service and benefited a Service Unit, a Region or the entrie Council for three years after receiving the Appreciation Pin and either the Honor Pin or Thanks Badge. You will need to include the name and email of three additional people supporting the nominee’s service.

Please describe how the nominee has rendered service and benefited the entire Council or entire Girl Scout Movement. Be detailed and as specific as possible listing qualifications and particular instances. Please be sure your answers support the above stated criteria to qualify for this award. You will need to provide the names and emails of four additional people supporting the nominee’s service.

Please describe how the nominee has rendered service and benefited the entire Council or entire Girl Scout Movement. Be detailed and as specific as possible listing qualifications and particular instances. Please be sure your answers support the above stated criteria to qualify for this award. You will need to provide the names and emails of four additional people supporting the nominee’s service.
Enter the year the Honor Pin and/or Thanks Badge were awarded.
Please enter the name of a person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the email address of the person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the name of a person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the email address of the person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the name of a person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the email address of the person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the name of a person who is willing to support this nomination.
Please enter the email address of the person who is willing to support this nomination.
Optional: You can enter the name of an additional person who is willing to support this nomination.
Optional: You can enter the email address of the additional person who is willing to support this nomination.
Optional: You can enter the name of an additional person who is willing to support this nomination.
Optional: You can enter the email address of the additional person who is willing to support this nomination.
